
Rhenus SMH GmbH. Rhenus Depot & Paketshop

Seelze, Deutschland. Telefonnummer, Landkarte, Paketverfolgung und Sendungsverfolgung von Rhenus SMH GmbH.

Rhenus Paketverfolgung

Sendungsnummer eingeben (tracking number)

ex. 0562-8790

Rhenus Filialen in Ihrer Nähe - Rhenus Near Me

Rhenus SMH GmbH
Typ Shop & Service Point
Adresse Seelze, Deutschland
Telefonnummer +49 2301 290
Landkarte Die Karte siehen Richtung Ladenseile

Die Karte siehen - Rhenus SMH GmbH

Richtung -> Rhenus SMH GmbH


Knieling Fredi - 2018-05-19

Bad personal

Сергей Зинченко - 2022-12-11

Everything is fine. I arrived, showed the docks, told where to go, unloaded and was free.

Sladjan Mladenovic - 2022-08-21

No mistake, you can spend the night in the parking lot in front of the company, approach via the A2 and take exit 40 and then cross the bridge for 16 tons and then left before the 3.7-meter underpass

Jirka Freudenthal - 2021-10-12

Fast unloading from the side, unloading from 7 am to 7 pm, you can stand on the street

Lukasz Szafranek - 2022-02-17

Oki, super fast loading, there is nowhere to stay overnight, access only via the 16t bridge, left before the viaduct